07-12-2003, 01:36 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Ninny
Listen to me, it is not about being \"sad\" or \"pathetic\" or any words of likeness that roll off of your ignorant tongue.
no, its about you not having a fucking clue about the show.
Quote:It is about equal opportunity, i am not a feminist by far but i would like to have the option of looking at some board members as they did myself and some others girls from this board.
then may I suggest you open up your own board where that is what it's about - showing pics of yourselves to other members, male or female.
Quote:It has nothing to do with my sexual prowness or desire, or just simple horniness. if wanted a cock in my mouth i would find a suitable one, and that you can bet on if you'd like.
You all fail to see the point concerning the \"go look at some porn\" statements. I'm sure all of you pathetic bastards look at porn, just as much as you look at Jewlias pictures while fondling yourselves. Theres something to be had to see a fellow boardmembers stuff, maybe it's because you know them, maybe it is because they are your peers. This you cannot obtain from pornography on a website.
I think in shooting my idea down you all contradict your own theories on what the WoW Forum is about.
I find it truly sad and disheartening.
coming from someone who has admitted in the past here that they know NOTHING about the show - this sentiment of yours means DICK.
Quote:and Fhore, your desperateness shines brighter then that of anyone elses on the board. So don't even tilt your head in my general direction and mumble words of agitation.
nice try with the attack there - good effort...too bad that right now, as it stands - your perception of me means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
I am trying to tell you that your notion of it "not being fair" that there are titty pic expectations and not cock pic expectations is utterly IDIOTIC in this universe of O&A-dom. (and many other FANS of the SHOW would agree.)
K-Mart - Aisle 7 - blue light specials on CLUES.
Go stock up. it'll help you it the future when it comes to discussing all things O&A, ok?