07-12-2003, 02:48 PM
so, you'll be staying home and masturbating the night away?
Goo' fo' you!
I'll leave you with some ad campaign slogan ideas for this thread:
Penis - when a dildo just won't do.
Penis - Long, strong, down to get the friction on.
Penis - just pipe down and suck on it. Don't ask questions, don't hesitate just open wide and allow us to orally fornicate.
Penis - It's whats for dinner!
Goo' fo' you!
I'll leave you with some ad campaign slogan ideas for this thread:
Penis - when a dildo just won't do.
Penis - Long, strong, down to get the friction on.
Penis - just pipe down and suck on it. Don't ask questions, don't hesitate just open wide and allow us to orally fornicate.
Penis - It's whats for dinner!