07-18-2003, 01:40 AM
Quote:She said \"wanna\".
Whether we can or not, we all wanna.
good point. touche'.
Quote:Originally posted by The Brain
Fhore, is there something you'd like to share with the group?
uh...yeah...sure. my favorite pair of jeans don't fit me any more. :disappointed:
Quote:Are you experiencing problems with... um... \"mini-Fhore\"?
no sirree. Full cream..I mean STEAM ahead with the lil' fella. Running nicely on all cylinders. toot toot! :backflip:
Quote:Like to talk about it?
well, its thick, about 6-1/2 7 inches and loves the ladies exclusively. hobbies are grinding, bumping, resting, peeing, and well, you know...
Quote:Well, GIP is right over there. Go discuss it with him.
I would but...I don't need his advice right now. but thx, I'll keep that in mind.
by the way...
rude and RUDE!!!! (again, just randomly doing my part to help the influx of RF.netters feel welcome...don't mind me. )