07-21-2003, 02:50 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
Quote:Originally posted by TenbatsuzenOkay, I'll ask. What does Salma Hayek have to do with Robert Rath?
Nice to see Salma learned some tricks being with Robert Wrath all this time.
I know Robert Rath was Sylvester Stallone's name in the movie Assassins and he starred with Antonio Banderas, but where does Salma come in? :confused:
Robert Wrath is El Mariachi's real name, from some stuff I read a long time ago. This mythos might have changed, but I remember from a long time ago that he was supposedly identified by Rodriguez as Robert Wrath. A decided English name for a Mexican though, so I might be wrong.
"And in walks the biggest MEXICAN I HAVE EVER SEEN! BIG AS SHIT! Just walked in like he owned the place!"
<img src="http://tenbatsuzen.homestead.com/files/psychosig04.jpg">