07-29-2003, 02:02 PM
ya know Mcshit....it's not about me being angry. In reality, I'm not an angry person. I do, however, detest certain types of people. People such as yourself, that feel it necessary to blantantly be an asshole. As Goatweed said (btw- what up Weed?
), I call it like I see it. And I see it, you're nothing but a two-bit twirp with a limp dick trying to make nicey-nice with people that personally don't give a flying pig ass about you or anything you have to say. If memory serves me correctly, you're not very liked on RF and you definitely have a head start on not being liked here as well.
(this is part of the conversation where you say - I'm not here to be liked, I'm here to have fun)....That's an old line. See KidA for further reference. At least KidA added value and posted shit that was worthy of reading from time to time. Speaking of KidA (WHAT UP B? How you doin?).....
For the record - I am not the person you want to tangle with unless you're in pain, suffering and humiliation. So be a good little boy now and go back to sticking the barbie doll up your ass and calling yourself Matilda, Queen of the Nile....
Now where did Flock go? I got my dancing shoes on and I wanna dance mutha-fuckas......

(this is part of the conversation where you say - I'm not here to be liked, I'm here to have fun)....That's an old line. See KidA for further reference. At least KidA added value and posted shit that was worthy of reading from time to time. Speaking of KidA (WHAT UP B? How you doin?).....
For the record - I am not the person you want to tangle with unless you're in pain, suffering and humiliation. So be a good little boy now and go back to sticking the barbie doll up your ass and calling yourself Matilda, Queen of the Nile....
Now where did Flock go? I got my dancing shoes on and I wanna dance mutha-fuckas......