07-30-2003, 09:45 PM
Quote:stuff like \"slavery\" just didn't go over too well with us colored folk.See, this is fucked up. YOU weren't exactly plucked from a cotton field, and neither was anyone you've ever known in your life. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if no one you've ever known, ever knew anyone who had.
Again though, you're not thinking forward. You're thinking only about "well, I'm on the shit end of the stick now". You're not thinking of how it can be fixed, you're only thinking of how it's bad now.
My point is, there's so much complaining about repression and shit, and not enough being done that will really fix it. And the stuff that is being done with the intention of fixing it, is only making things fucking WORSE.
I interviewed for a job yesterday. There was an EOE form for me to sign, along with some other stuff. Now, if I were to find out that I was much more qualified than a minority candidate for the job, but he got it because he was a minority and they had to do it, don't you think I'd be pretty fucking pissed off? Do you think I'd shrug it off and say "oh, well 400 years of slavery, I guess he deserved it". <b>FUCK NO! That is BULLSHIT!</b>
<center><img src="http://www.yourmomsbox.net/ftl/ftl-oldtimey.gif"></center>