08-06-2003, 12:20 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Flock of MoosenBack then, yeah, it was perfectly acceptable. But back than, most wrestling fans were completely in the dark about what happens "behind the scenes," so what they ("they" being everyone with the exception of Hogan, McMahon, and Hogan's screwee-of-the-month) didn't know wouldn't hurt 'em.
Quote:Originally posted by SOSorry, you completely lost me here.
But Hogan made money. BIG money.
And I <b>COMPLETELY DISLIKE</b> Hogan as a wrestler.
HHH never made money. He's a cancer.
Are you saying just because Hogan made money he's allowed to shit on other wrestlers 100x more talented and hold them back?
Also, Hogan's larger-than-life persona helped keep him popular, despite what he was rumored to be pulling backstage. The only pops Trips gets is when Steph squeezes his roid-triggered zits every night.