08-13-2003, 02:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Flock of MoosenAww, are you sure you don't want to get into it?
Well, I won't get into this debate again, but technically we didn't put him into office. The Electoral College did.
Just more proof that it is an outdated system that needs to go.
Hate to break it to ya, but the E.C. is the same exact thing as it is every other day of the week. Sure, they give it a spiffy name cause it's a Presidential election - but the only difference between the E.C. and the House/Senate representative government that you're used to every day, is that the House and Senate are combined in the voting.
The major problem is that people believe we live in a democracy - that's stupid. We don't. We never did. People want to think so, and those people are wrong.
Pay attention the next time you salute the flag. "...and to the <b>republic</b> for which it stands..." - republic, not democracy. A republiuc is a representative government, the one we live in.
A democracy - a true one - means that the people vote on everything, and it also removes the need for elected officials. You vote on every bill, every day.
This country is way too fucking stupid to handle that shit.
And anyway, who would you rather have in there? Gore? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
<center><img src="http://www.yourmomsbox.net/ftl/ftl-oldtimey.gif"></center>