08-14-2003, 02:47 PM
Quote:Originally posted by diceisgod
No No and No. Stupid fuckers. I made a comment in a another thread on this shitbox board and some fuck face deleted it. It was innocuous yet still the faggot deleted it. So I just wanted to make sure everyone got the chance to read my comment (slightly stylized).
Sir, you posted in the Gathering thread a comment about something or other and then sarcastically asked that it'd be deleted.
In a fun game Alkey started, I was given temporary mod powers.
I saw your post and "request" and I deleted it.
So, simmer down.
Alkey called you "the funniest asshole I know" and I've yet to see your skills at making a funney.
Don't make Alkey out to be a liar.
Quote:Grow up! Then DIE!!!
but you're asking FTL to "lighten up"? :confused: