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Desperate act by the desperately stupid
Quote:Originally posted by diceisgod
No. YOU look dummy. Now you know what that red button does.

Quote:That makes us even then since I've thought that about you for a while now.
Still proud of yourself, taking credit for the thread that eventually destroyed aren't ya? Yeah, there's something to be real proud of.

Oh boo fucking hoo, your threads were deleted. In case you didn't notice moron one of them was left untouched and that was the one in the FU forum. Why? Because frankly that could qualify as a legitimate thread. The other 4 though were utter bullshit that were started just for the sake of being an asshole. 5 threads in 5 different forums, ALL ABOUT THE SAME FUCKING THING! You should have been thrown in The Hole for that alone, but I let it go and decided to give you one more chance.

I'm sorry we actually have rules around here and we don't allow the members to run around and cause havoc. Heaven For-Fucking-Bid! We don't have many rules, but we do ask that you don't deliberately start shit for the sake of being an ass and what you did was exactly that. You don't like we actually have rules? Fine, leave then. You say this place sucks? Then why the fuck are you even here. We keep hearing \"I hate that place, it sucks\" yet you all keep coming back. Fucking pathetic!

You have a board where you are allowed to do whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. We are not that board and respectfully ask you don't turn it into that. I don't know how many times this has to be stated before it actually sinks in to some of your thick skulls.

This made absolutely no sense. :confused:
<center>[Image: FOM.jpg]</center>

Messages In This Thread
Desperate act by the desperately stupid - by Flock of Moosen - 08-14-2003, 09:44 PM
Desperate act by the desperately stupid - by AngelAmy - 08-14-2003, 10:19 PM

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