08-29-2003, 04:25 PM
I heard the judge spouting off on Sean Hannity on my drive home,
Yeah I know, but see my thread lamenting the loss of O&A,
anyway, he sounded like a religious nut. Spouting off on how this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values.
and that the "god" who is referenced throughout the land, IE "in god we trust" is not some generic all inclusive representation of god, but a specific god, of the judeo christian world.
He is supporting one religion over all of them,
which I think is wrong.
I am for removing ALL religious icons from government.
These religious wackos will have a cow if they win these arguments, only to have "other" religions be the ones represented in ethnic communities....
with the Mexican population in Florida, California and Texas, it won't be too long before swearing on the bible is replaced with a Santaria Chicken beheading.
Yeah I know, but see my thread lamenting the loss of O&A,
anyway, he sounded like a religious nut. Spouting off on how this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values.
and that the "god" who is referenced throughout the land, IE "in god we trust" is not some generic all inclusive representation of god, but a specific god, of the judeo christian world.
He is supporting one religion over all of them,
which I think is wrong.
I am for removing ALL religious icons from government.
These religious wackos will have a cow if they win these arguments, only to have "other" religions be the ones represented in ethnic communities....
with the Mexican population in Florida, California and Texas, it won't be too long before swearing on the bible is replaced with a Santaria Chicken beheading.