09-04-2003, 08:45 PM
Quote:Originally posted by KensPen
When I joined OA.com, a little cabal of Grumpy, Maynard, MetalFan and a couple others dogged my every post.
hmmm...I see. Never knew that. Learn sumthin' new every day. Yuppers.
Quote:This group put forth the rumor that \"ken\" was really Balloon Knot.
oh..yeah...man, that was wrong. uh..yeah.
:rugs shoulders::
Quote:The \"Ken is a PM stalker\" also came from them.....
still at that first stage, huh?
It's not only a river in Egypt my friend.
Quote:While I grew to enjoy the greeting \"Fuck you Ken\" their constant harrasment of me on the boards never stopped.
I could see how that would suck after a while. Understandable.
Quote:Now today Grumpy has complained cause I am hurting his feelings when I mock him...
Yeah, thats true..I saw it... yuppers.
Quote:he wants to put the past behind us....
should I?
Well, heres the nitty gritty...here we go.
Do you find that you've exacted your pound of flesh yet through your habits of firing off at Grumpy whenever possible?
Hey, I'm all for the "do unto others" bit but at some point, would you wish it COULD end?
If so...
Somebody has to step up and try to do so if that is the case.
Quote:or should I maintain my vigil of pointing out his stupidity whenever possible?
again, what do you truely feel at this point? Can YOU let it all go? maybe agree to only fire at each other as two friends would?
Nothing wrong with friendly ball-busting amongst frineds, right? That is prettty much what is supposed to happen here. Right?
It's not like the idea is to go around and purposely agitate others for selfish reasons. At least, in my opinion.
Its about being on the same page, having some fun.
But Ken, the call is yours to make.
FYI - Whenever possible, I'd like to have things be more gooder between 2 people than not. Those who truely know me know this to be true.