09-04-2003, 09:05 PM
i tried to make it private but kenny boy decided it would be funny to put it out in public and air his dirty laundry.
It's a long one boys and girls, but here's the transcript. Unedited except for deleting blank lines (for the purpose of compacting the text), in sequence. Not that I give a shit what anyone's opinion is, but judge for yourself:
It's a long one boys and girls, but here's the transcript. Unedited except for deleting blank lines (for the purpose of compacting the text), in sequence. Not that I give a shit what anyone's opinion is, but judge for yourself:
Quote:From: Grumpy
To: KensPen
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 11:30 AM
Message: When are you gonna drop this shit? If you haven't noticed, I've been ignoring your little comments here and there for the past few days but you just don't seem to get it.
Jokes over bro. Cut the shit already and move on.
You talk about me getting tired. Your little antics of \"fuck with grumpy\" are what's getting tired. Get a fucking clue already.
Quote:From: KensPen
To: Grumpy
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 11:33 AM
Message: So clear things up for me,
it's only funny when you do it to me?
you rode my ass for months and months on cdih and oa.com
why didn't you stop,
YOU started up with me on entunlimited,
and here as tiny mike.....
explain it for me.....
AND while you are at it,
EVERY post you make on entunlimited contains my name in your sig lines.....
Quote:From: Grumpy
To: KensPen
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 11:39 AM
So clear things up for me,
it's only funny when you do it to me?
you rode my ass for months and months on cdih and oa.com
why didn't you stop,
YOU started up with me on entunlimited,
and here as tiny mike.....
explain it for me.....
AND while you are at it,
EVERY post you make on entunlimited contains my name in your sig lines.....
There is a point where it's funny. I'll give you that. You come up with little snips that actually do make me chuckle. but when you stalk me from board to board and interject your comments that you have no fuckin business in, it gets old and tiresome.
you just seem to be too fucking dense to realize that. Stop living in the past ken. Time to move on. The reason i didn't stopped was because you seem to thrive on it, and encouraged it yourself and never asked me to stop. Do you remember your little u2u to me "how we go at it? i take shots, you take them back".
Do you need a fucking billboard to get a hint?
and as for your name in sig, I had forgotten all about that. it's gone now. happy ?
From: KensPen
To: Grumpy
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 11:45 AM
Message: I DON'T stalk you from board to board,
I was on both of them first....
and yes I DID ask you and Maynard to stop.
that Ken = Balloon Knot shit
I asked over and over for you both to stop it,
well the Ken = Stalker shit lives on with me today....
count how many jokes are made about it,
by people who don't know me, or know wehre it came from.
Quote:From: Grumpy
To: KensPen
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 11:48 AM
I DON'T stalk you from board to board,
I was on both of them first....
and yes I DID ask you and Maynard to stop.
that Ken = Balloon Knot shit
I asked over and over for you both to stop it,
well the Ken = Stalker shit lives on with me today....
count how many jokes are made about it,
by people who don't know me, or know wehre it came from.
bullshit - you never asked. you kept on with your own antics. if you were half way intelligent, you would have stopped antogonizing people and it would have stopped. and unlike you, i have the decency and respect to kill a joke when asked to.
Quote:From: KensPen
To: Grumpy
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 11:51 AM
Message: you are SOOOOO full of shit,
I went to Froy to ask him to announce my IP address wasn't his,
or anything else he could do to \"prove\" I wasn't him,
I asked you MULTIPLE times.
Quote:From: KensPen
To: Grumpy
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 12:23 PM
Message: is it because you know I am right?
and that fuck maynard tried to get me banned on cdih, cause of the rumor He and you started.
I mean it when I say I like you, etc.
I am just pissed at this issue, cause you rode me hard,
and NOW, you are asking me to stop....
but when it was you, maynard, metal, LZ and a host of others, it NEVER stopped.
Quote:From: Grumpy
To: KensPen
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 12:25 PM
Quote:is it because you know I am right?
and that fuck maynard tried to get me banned on cdih, cause of the rumor He and you started.
I mean it when I say I like you, etc.
I am just pissed at this issue, cause you rode me hard,
and NOW, you are asking me to stop....
but when it was you, maynard, metal, LZ and a host of others, it NEVER stopped.
I didn't reply because you're a fucking idiot that's not making any sense.
That was over 2 fucking years ago. Get over it already. If you have issues with Maynard, take it up with him.
As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever the fuck you want. I'm trying to be reasonable with you. But you're being a stubborn prick who's living in the past.
Quote:From: KensPen
To: Grumpy
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 12:27 PM
. But you're being a stubborn prick who's living in the past.
NO, I AM trying to be rational,
my whole position starts with the premise that I like you,
I just got pissed when you asked me to stop,
it made me think of the past,
and the constant abuse I got.
DGW just made a PM stalker comment,
so it's NOT really in the past is it?
Quote:From: Grumpy
To: KensPen
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 12:30 PM
Message: again, you're looking to blame me for the actions of others. if DGW is making comments, take it up with him.
but on a seperate note, you HAVE gained a reputation for PM'ing and U2U'ing everything and everyone under the sun. THAT does not stem from any abuse that was ever dished out. That stems from your own actions and posts. You encourage that type of post. You, yourself, agitate and encourage the Ken u2u schtick!
Quote:From: KensPen
To: Grumpy
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 12:35 PM
Message: yes,
once that was the \"rep\" I was given,
I did the only thing I could,
I embraced it,
I tried denying it and only looked guilty for doing so.
we have a fire wall at work, so no aim,
EVERYONE else is Aiming each other to death, and it's ok,
but since I had to use the PMs it became a \"big deal\",
but mostly when you three were accusing me of doing it, everytime I did PM someone, it became proof,
so I strapped on the hockey helmet and laughed it off.
I am NOT living in the past,
I am just pointing out what I saw as hypocrisy.
Quote:From: Grumpy
To: KensPen
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 12:37 PM
once that was the \"rep\" I was given,
I did the only thing I could,
I embraced it,
I tried denying it and only looked guilty for doing so.
we have a fire wall at work, so no aim,
EVERYONE else is Aiming each other to death, and it's ok,
but since I had to use the PMs it became a \"big deal\",
but mostly when you three were accusing me of doing it, everytime I did PM someone, it became proof,
so I strapped on the hockey helmet and laughed it off.
I am NOT living in the past,
I am just pointing out what I saw as hypocrisy.
by bringing shit up from 2-3 years ago, you prove that you ARE living in the past. Get over it already.
Quote:From: KensPen
To: Grumpy
Sent: 9/4/2003 at 12:40 PM
there is something about your posting style that BEGS me to respond,
YOU post in a very aggressive and confrontational style,
it's just my nature to respond.
Maybe you are right,
maybe I am in the past,
but it bugged me that you asked and expected me to stop,
when so many of my own pleas fell upon your deaf ears.