09-10-2003, 05:59 PM
Quote:Originally posted by triciaExactly. Unless the government cracks down and says they MUST put the right measures in place - which, of course, they're not gonna do - it'll never get done.
no, the sad truth is, some people won't ever wake up.
they weren't xraying every single thing that went on a plane after the panam flight and they still weren't 2 years ago, and if it costs money that they don't have it won't ever happen.
Another terrorist act will only do one thing.... make everyone security crazy for 6-12 months, then they all forget everything and it goes back to normal.... just like it has.
And the security measures that they DO currently insist on, are fucking ridiculous. They harp on the useless shit, instead of being smart.
Like one time, I was picking someone up from the airport, and I decided to take a picture of the REALLY stupid sign that lists the items you're not allowed to take on the plane. Someone came over to me to tell me I wasn't allowed to point a camera towards the metal detector area. She left her post <b>at the metal detector</b> to tell me this. She was the only one on duty there at the time (sometime after 11pm).
So why wasn't I allowed to take a picture? In case I wanted to show some terrorists just how secure it's NOT?
I got 3 pictures anyway. :lol:
<center><img src="http://www.yourmomsbox.net/ftl/ftl-oldtimey.gif"></center>