09-16-2003, 11:45 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
It's funny, I was actually thinking about Vince dying a few months ago, but not for this reason. I was actually wondering if he died and they do the traditional rememberance and 10-bell salute like they've done for others in the past, would the fans have some class or would they be total assholes and boo or cheer because he was gone.
My question is, should Vince drop dead in the middle of a show, would the show stop immediately as a sign of respect, or would the new owners, the Levesques, insist it go on because "Vince would have wanted it that way?"
(Yeah, I'm still fuckin' bitter about the Owen Hart thing. No, I won't get over it.)
As for my reaction, I'd weep, knowing that it would only get much, MUCH worse for WWe and its fans from here.