09-24-2003, 05:35 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
I win by default.
Her slams and digs at me are dismissed due to the fact that she uses Babelfish.com to translate all of my English into Canadian.
Plus I'm not a dirty Canadian.
No, you're a slimy useless waste-of-skin frog that shoulda been annihilated with the rest of your useless race much in the same manner as Hitler dealt with the Jews.
Though it could be worse for you luv, you could be a FRENCH CANADIAN. :barf:
And I DO NOT have a bad temper Grumpy. Fuckin' camel humpin' little bitch.
<center><img src=http://scripts.cgispy.com/image.cgi?u=wankfellow></center>