09-25-2003, 06:53 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Death_Metal Moe
Here's the bottom line.
The Satanic Hispanics are out strong at Metal Shows! I've seen and played for them in NY/NJ and other states. There is a large group of them and Metal needs all the fans it can get.
word. mug:
Quote:Also, St. Anger is the biggest piece of shit I might have ever heard. It is musically RETARDED. And arguing that it's better next to Load and Reaload is kinda stupid. ALL 3 ALBUMS ULTIMATLY SUCK. Metallica started to turn their back on their fanbase with the Black Album.
I disagree but we all already know that.
Quote:Also, I stopped arguing people's tastes in Metal long ago. Just like all other forms of music, Metal has many sub-categories. I don't like things like Progressive Metal or much Speed or any Black Metal, but some people do. There's lots of crossover fans too, so don't diss Metal fans. They just like something slightly different.
The Metal scene is small enough in the US. Don't start divisions within it.
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\m/ (all forms of it...) Forever.