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Hey, girls, wanna go to college on a full time athletic scholarship, and not be surrounded by hulking lesbian she-beasts
When i was younger i was a cheerleader for an HYAL football team. The practices for games alone would run for about 4 hours a day. Practicing routines, tricks, cheering and improvising alone. Whne we went to competition we would run 6 hour practices every day and on weekends we would go to the local Highschools Gym and stay until we were told we could leave.

It doesn't seem hard when you're a spectator but when you're on a field for 15 minute shows there is no room for a fuckup. If one girl makes a wrong turn or messes up she risks throwing off someone elses stance.

One time we had a spotter in the back not paying attention to the girl in the routine she was supposed to be helping down and the girl ended up falling and cracking her head on a linoliuem floor.

As far as trying to one up someone elses team, yes, that is basically what you are trying to do all season. The better your routine and shows are the better chances you have of being recruited to the Competitions they have.

At competetions they run the points based on tricks, cheers, enthuisiasm(of the squad and the enjoyment of the crowd) and originality.

It's alot harder than it seems.
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Hey, girls, wanna go to college on a full time athletic scholarship, and not be surrounded by hulking lesbian she-beasts - by Hawt Baux - 09-28-2003, 01:07 AM

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