09-30-2003, 06:48 PM
I'm sure they would still release it. It might have a limited run in the theaters (both volumes..) but you never know about the DVD sales (ever wonder why lately, they seem to release movies to DVD/VHS so soon after the movie left the theater? yup, $$$)...
they could recoop all losses there and perhaps ("hopefully" the execs would say...) even in the international market.
Its Tarantino. They're not gonna "not support" it. I'm sure Volume II will be in post-producton by the time Volume I is released. In otherwords, even if Vol I does bomb, it'll be too late to not release Vol II.
they could recoop all losses there and perhaps ("hopefully" the execs would say...) even in the international market.
Its Tarantino. They're not gonna "not support" it. I'm sure Volume II will be in post-producton by the time Volume I is released. In otherwords, even if Vol I does bomb, it'll be too late to not release Vol II.