10-02-2003, 09:03 PM
Quote:It gets annoying, it really does...
[in any ol' randoim thread]
Poster A - \"you are soooo not funny.\"
Poster B - \"well, I'm funnier than you.\"
Poster C - \"Poster A>Poster B\"
Poster A - \"see? told you. I'm funnier.\"
Poster B - :pens a poll...\"who is funnier\"::
meanwhile, NONE of you bitches made a \"funney\" at all in the duration of the discussion.
All of those who think they know what \"funney\" is. Go up on stage at an open mic. Let us know when you do so. We'll go and see what you can bring to the table.
Or, here's a better idea...
Stop goin' around and ruling what is or isn't funny and just worry about being funny YOURSELF.
Make me laugh you judgemental assmunches.
Yeah, I'm talkin' to YOU.