10-16-2003, 01:31 PM
Quote:Originally posted by header
Memorable moments with my father.
Don't make me come up there!
I'm getting my belt!
*My brother and I stuff books in our pajamas to the sound of my dad storming up the stairs. My dad comes in and starts swinging the belt at us to the sound of a big \"Thwap\". We began laughing at him. He just walked away.
We were 10 and 12 and that was the last time he hit us for being bad until I was being a complete asshole to him in high school years he chased me down and slammed his fists into my temples nearly knocking me out. Needless to say I deserved it. And I turned out relatively fine.
I am modelling my parenting techniques after my father's and I only hope my kid doesn't grow up to be one of these snotty bitches on Maury or I'll have to show him who's the boss.
(feel free to insert Tony Danza jokes now...)
Wow- and no brain damage? :lol:

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