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this is why I'm hating bitches today...
My sister is a cheap whore.

After dating my now brother in law for seven years (and having my niece for 6) she went through this phase that she had to be married. She had the big deal wedding, my niece was the flower girl, she was refused to let me near the microphone to give a toast because of me accidently letting the truth out, and somehow to manage that the wedding night was the exact right time to get pregnant.

So when my nephew was about 2, a male nurse she works with started showing up in the picture. At first she swore it was a harmless friendship and nothing more. Then she admitted that she had "feelings of love" for the male nurse. And ever since then she's been jerking my brother in law around. This guy once told her "You know, I'm not into fat chicks, but I'd still do you" and she melted for it. There are some weekends where Mario (bro-in-law) goes up to the house to watch the kids while she works, and she won't show up untill 2 days later with no phonecall.

My sister is an incredibly shallow person with really low self esteem, so when her mother-of-2 fat ass starts getting attention from a single guy, she acts like a 14 year old with a crush and becomes obsessed.

I never want to be treated this way, and in turn never treat women like that. I treat women with total respect, and when I am with them they have my full focus. But I guess most women don't like that, or they're just repulsed by me, I don't know.
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Messages In This Thread
this is why I\'m hating bitches today... - by dru - 11-13-2003, 03:26 AM
this is why I\'m hating bitches today... - by dru - 11-13-2003, 03:33 AM
this is why I\'m hating bitches today... - by dru - 11-13-2003, 04:11 AM
this is why I\'m hating bitches today... - by dru - 11-13-2003, 05:11 PM
this is why I\'m hating bitches today... - by Hosp - 11-13-2003, 06:06 PM
this is why I\'m hating bitches today... - by JJ - 11-16-2003, 02:39 AM

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