11-22-2003, 08:48 AM
JimmyBlue, I think you hit it right on the head. I agree that bands to have to change,somewhat,to keep sounding fresh.Its just that when you hear the stuff they put out now compared to songs like "Creeping Death" and
"Master of Puppets", it kinda makes you wonder ....why?
Look at Slayer,they have changed but not to the point where their fans are saying.."What the hell happened"?
It seems like Metallica just turned their backs on their diehard fans. I mean think about it,the "No Life Till Leather" demo got passed around from person to person so much,they got signed to a deal without any airplay.Thats what I would call,"file sharing"long before there was Napster .They even used to have a section at their shows just for people who wanted to bootleg the show. Now they need to get paid for every little thing that involves them or their music. Its just sad to see a band who spoke out so openly and often about how they were all about their fans and that they were into playing music for the music (and the girls)
do a complete about face when money gets put in front of them.
"Master of Puppets", it kinda makes you wonder ....why?
Look at Slayer,they have changed but not to the point where their fans are saying.."What the hell happened"?
It seems like Metallica just turned their backs on their diehard fans. I mean think about it,the "No Life Till Leather" demo got passed around from person to person so much,they got signed to a deal without any airplay.Thats what I would call,"file sharing"long before there was Napster .They even used to have a section at their shows just for people who wanted to bootleg the show. Now they need to get paid for every little thing that involves them or their music. Its just sad to see a band who spoke out so openly and often about how they were all about their fans and that they were into playing music for the music (and the girls)
do a complete about face when money gets put in front of them.
"I keep the bible in a pool of blood so that none of its lies can affect me"