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FU to EVIL GAS STATIONS!!! and credit cards
I haven't gotten a Hess truck since I was 10. :disappointed:

When tax returns came around, my wife and I had the foresight to put some money aside in a cd that will be up on the week of Christmas. At least we know we won't be broke when it comes time to travel at Christmas.

I have the tendency to just put money I have towards things I won't necessarily need immediately but am going to need within a few months (because I am moving). If the only way for me to not touch money I'm trying to save is to put it in a CD then that's what I have to do. Any money my son gets for birthdays or Christmas goes into Savings bonds so we can't touch that either and that shit doubles in value down the road anyway.

I'm so pathetic. :disappointed:
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FU to EVIL GAS STATIONS!!! and credit cards - by header - 11-26-2003, 05:45 PM

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