12-03-2003, 02:59 PM
Quote:Originally posted by header
Was the relevant point that there are idiots out there or this was just another day at the office for you?
I would have to say it's a little bit of both. The idiots out there make it just another day at the office. There are days when I will answer an alarm box out on the street, and be told to suck someones dick, the persons dick is on fire or ass is on fire, fuck you. I got called a Jew once. One person called on the box at 3 in the morning just to make sure the thing works. And they don't realize that at that time of the morning, no matter what comes in over the alarm box, is we have to send someone. And you really really wanna go back at them but you can't, cause everything is taped. People with really thick accents are fun to deal with, or if they don't speak english at all. We'll answer and they'll say "Speakie Spannie??" and never give the right address, they'll give the house number, but instead of the street, they'll give the avenue on the corner. and they don't say nine or five, it's Ni and Fi so when they give you a phone number, it's ni three fi, seventy fi, nity one. It gets to a point where you have to ask them what it says on the mail to get the address right. Most of the time I really don't need an address as long as I get two intersecting streets. I dunno about the reality TV stuff, but I do know one thing. I talk to friends who do my line of work in other cities and they can't get away with half the shit I do. I've had people call up and ask me to send firemen to get a bird out of the apartment. I tell em to use a broom and open the window. Toilet overflowing, call a plumber. People will lock themselves out and lie that they left a pot cooking, and I tell em flat out they are gonna break the door down, then they get all whiney about it and I say too late, they're already coming. And they all have kids, they always preface the problem with how many kids they have. The fucking building could be falling down and burning but they got 5 kids, and they all have asthma. It was just as bad when I worked in Manhattan, except those people just wanted things their way. No sirens(yeah right) only one truck(not happening) and don't tell the neighbors I called. Or they see smoke coming out of a chimney(WHERE IT IS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT OF YOU FUCKIN MORONS!!!) and then it stops and you have to explain to these people how a boiler works. And they all call from 5 blocks from where they see it cause they were looking out the window with binoculars. I once had a guy call up bitching about someone barbecuing in the backyard and told him we weren't coming, took all of his information and caught him in a lie when he called back saying it was a fire. Called him a liar over the phone. You know if you're pissed off because the guy didn't offer you a burger, just say so. So what kind of idiots do you have to deal with??
I'm not quite there yet
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Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
![[Image: Riptide.jpg]](http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v243/JBE51/Riptide.jpg)
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!