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Clowns to the left of me...jokers to the right
surrounded by idiots.

Dear co-workers,

Fuck off, all of you. (well, there are exceptions., I do like a couple of you...)

But, for the rest of y'all, I have headphones on all day for a reason...


I don't care about your house not having heat.

I don't care about your shock at seeing so much rain on your way to work.

I sure as hell can give two shits about your life away from work under any circumstances.

I don't give a crap about you playing guitar for your local church. Just because I'm a drummer in my own band, that doesn't mean I want to be entertained by stories of yesteryear, when you were a lil pup, trying to play guitar for GOD. :barf:

If you interrupt me from my flow (and I have to take my headphones off), don't saying "I don't mean to bother you" because guess what? You already have. Once I have to press "pause" on my CD player, thats it, game over, you've bothered me. So, say what you have to say to me and piss off.

AND if you ARE going to disturb me, it better be for work related reasons.

I don't need to hear you bitch and complain about your cummute, or about the fact that "moving into a new place is hard"

You are a CO-WORKER of mine, thatrs it, nothing more nor less.

Take your humpback, size 2 feet havin ass and go bitch to someone else.

And another thing...if you are not going to wear headphones while you sit next to me at least CHANGE YOUR FUCKIN CD EVERY SO OFTEN!! Do I really need to hear the same fuckin songs ALL DAY LONG??

And bitch, let me tell YOU something. I don't ever lose my paperwork; why is it that you happen to lose YOUR shit once or twice a week?? Get organazized you dumb bitch!! Stop bothering me for my paperwork to photocopy. Stop losing YOUR shit.

Thank you, fuck off, have a good day.

Messages In This Thread
Clowns to the left of me...jokers to the right - by 60FeetUnderWater - 12-11-2003, 04:00 PM

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