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Clowns to the left of me...jokers to the right
i think we have less than 20 people, including the 3 owners. (plus it's a bar so it's a different and i guess more social setting) but yeah, we go out after work, or sometimes on our days off. we've slept on each other's couches (including a sleepover of 4). and i have been invited to thanksgiving and christmas. i've also met and hung out with some of their family members.

so, even though it's a different type of business i think it's pretty rare to be in a situation where you actually like all the people you work with. especially considering among wait and barstaff we're 2 guys to 8 girls (9 if you include the gay manager)

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Clowns to the left of me...jokers to the right - by tricia - 12-11-2003, 10:53 PM

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