05-01-2003, 08:42 PM
Ok, a while back I really liked this girl. I was enfatuated with her, so one day I mustered up the courage, along with the support of some friends and Julia, I wrote gave her a rose and wrote her a card telling her how I felt. She said she liked some other guy. So out of no where....keep in mind I havent spoken to her since then (about october-november)....today while I was walking in the halls to class she softly grabbed my arm, like not trying to grab hard or anything, and then she just kept walking. What should I do or say? I have no clue what to fucking think about that because she did in fact shit on my feelings not too long ago, but I think I'm a sucker and still like her....Ideas anyone? :confused:
<center><img src="http://scripts.cgispy.com/image.cgi?u=meatwad"></center>