01-08-2004, 12:50 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Toronto Hottie
That actually does make sense.
If, say, east west traffic had a green, then north south would have walking lights. Making a right, you'd have to watch for pedestrians. Specifically, watch not to hit them.
I know it makes sense that it could actually occur, but it doesn't make sense that it SHOULD BE ABLE TO OCCUR. What's the point of having walk signals if it doesn't mean that you can actually walk accross the street without a giant van taking a right hand turn into you going 30 miles an hour?
Turns should be only PART of the green light and the walk signal should be the other part of the green light where you don't have to worry about cars driving into you.
<img src=http://img5.photobucket.com/albums/v22/jpcrecom/46-16.jpg>
<img src=http://img5.photobucket.com/albums/v22/jpcrecom/46-16.jpg>