01-14-2004, 02:52 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Topper Harley
I'm really sick of cars chasing motorcycles in movies. I first noticed it in MI-2 and recently in Paycheck. Are they trying to tell me that a Ducati can't outrun a Hummer? come on, pisses me off.
Aside for some bad special effects in the motorcycle sequence I thought the whole scene was pretty cool in an artsy kinda way. And I've tried to keep up with a motorcylce on the highway. we got up to speeds over 100. In a pure handling sense the motorcycle owned me. I had to slow down. Now I wasn't in a hummer but I think it still holds up when the speeds get real high.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/wilbraforce/sigs/headersig.jpg">