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Sblueman's Tecmo 2004 ver. 1.0 final is now out!
After working on this project for months I am finally proud to announce that I am releasing SBlueman's Tecmo Super Bowl 2004!

Here are some of the features:

* The top 28 teams in the NFL from 2004
* Edited teams, playbooks and player names and attributes
* Edited simulation code that lets the game simulate accurately
* True to form Tecmo feel and gameplay. No souped up stats.

I want to thank all the people who tested the game and gave me the feedback needed to make this a game all Tecmo fans would enjoy.

Download the game at my website:

I hope you enjoy my latest version and check out any of my other versions of Tecmo Super Bowl!

Custom Games by SBlueman (all NES):

Tecmo Super Bowl (1990 Edit)
This game changes the schedule for the 1990 season and fixes the rosters and attributes for players.

Tecmo Super Bowl (1991 Edit)
I fixed the attributes of teams and players to accuratly simulate the 1991 season.

Tecmo Super Bowl (1993 Edit)
I edited the schedule, rosters, simulation code and more to simulate the 1993 season accuratly.

Tecmo Super Bowl (2000 Edit)
My first Tecmo project. A simulation of the 2000 NFL season. The sim code is now accurate.

Tecmo Super Bowl (2001 Edit)
One of my top edits. Simulates the 2001 season accuratly.

Tecmo Super Bowl (2001 Edit- Fast version)
Same as above but with "souped up" attributes for the players for a faster, more challenging game.

Tecmo Super Bowl (2002 Edit)
The edited sim code, accurate rosters and graphical changes make this the

Tecmo NCAA (2001 Edit)
A simulation of the 2001 NCAA Div.1 season. Has all of that years AP's Top 25 teams.

Tecmo NFL Dynasties
Play the '76 Radiers versus the '85 Bears! All the original Tecmo teams greatest teams!
[Image: 855.jpg]

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Sblueman\'s Tecmo 2004 ver. 1.0 final is now out! - by SBlueman - 01-30-2004, 07:13 AM

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