02-08-2004, 06:56 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Flock of Moosen
Thanks for the shots Paul, but I have to ask you this, what exactly was \"solidified\"? You can't just throw this quote out there and not follow up bud. That's just plain cruel.
Norton talked about O&A's return in June or July of this year, and he said that they were looking at either sattelite or commercial radio... but they REALLY want to come back on commercial radio. Then he went a step further and mentioned if they do come back on commercial radio, that Buffalo was going to be in the mix right away.
The way he said it, I knew it had to do with that Citadel Communications rumor. Once again... sheer speculation... but I just have this feeling that O&A are going to hook up with their old Infinity guy who is now the CEO (and head honcho) at Citadel. Buffalo has like five radio stations that are owned my Citadel, and 103.3 FM (the EDGE) would make a perfect fit for the boys.
My guess is that Citadel will purchase stations in the NYC area and several of the other prime O&A markets around the country. They will return to the commercial airwaves and be broadcasting from their New York City base station by June or July of this year.
(Once again... just my own gut feeling)