02-09-2004, 07:35 AM
Keep an eye out for:
2-10-99, 2-11-99, 2-19-99, 2-22-99, and 2-23-99
This takes care of all the January 1999 shows. February 1999 is coming soon!
SU needs alot of help though. All these shows need reviews!
Please check out opieanthony.net for how to help out with the show reviews: opieanthony.net's O&A show review thread
Visit your favorite FTP's and O&A websites for the files soon. Here are a couple places to find the shows:
Fast Freddy's OpAckTool.com
Nasty Ham's FTP (IM him on AOL Instant Messenger at SHPIDA for information)
The O&A Virus Spreader: Click here for details!
Mulligan's O&A FTP Site (contact mulligan from opieanthony.net for information)
ILoveDogShits' O&A Public FTP: ftp://ona:[email protected]/
Keep an eye out for:
2-10-99, 2-11-99, 2-19-99, 2-22-99, and 2-23-99
This takes care of all the January 1999 shows. February 1999 is coming soon!
SU needs alot of help though. All these shows need reviews!
Please check out opieanthony.net for how to help out with the show reviews: opieanthony.net's O&A show review thread
Visit your favorite FTP's and O&A websites for the files soon. Here are a couple places to find the shows:
Fast Freddy's OpAckTool.com
Nasty Ham's FTP (IM him on AOL Instant Messenger at SHPIDA for information)
The O&A Virus Spreader: Click here for details!
Mulligan's O&A FTP Site (contact mulligan from opieanthony.net for information)
ILoveDogShits' O&A Public FTP: ftp://ona:[email protected]/