02-10-2004, 12:41 AM
Quote:Originally posted by skitzoette
\"I suggest your next proclamation be that you're also a lesbian that does gang bangs\"
only on fridays.
if someone would be so kind as to host a pic for me,or perhaps link me to a place i may host one myself,i would be happy to post one. I do have aim.
I really didn't mean to come off as an attention whore,or whore of any sort for that matter. The guy who lead me here said you guys were pretty laid back and i could pretty much fuck off and have some fun. I suppose looking back i did come off abit whorish. My apologies.
now who was it that had the massive penis?
i only said i have a massive penis, doens't mean that i do, just like you say you have a large rack, doesn't mean that you do until we see pics. that was the point i was trying to get across:kiss:
It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious