02-16-2004, 06:16 AM
Quote:Originally posted by The Brain
<i>Every</i> sport has an instance (or more) where one team or man ruled the roost, and everyone wanted to be the guys who knocked them off. To even think that the very nature of sport would be better off with constant turnover, instead of one or two models of <i>consistency</i> for everyone to hunt, is obscene.
If you want that to be the case, then we might as well abolish the actual season, and start picking a team name out of a hat, then just hand them a trophy. You would get the same amount of randomness in the winner. If you still need to actually witness a \"game\" at that point, it can be completely pre-scripted like pro wrestling.
You know what, for as intelligent and as thorough as you have been in this whole thread, this made absolutely no sense.
How does wanting to see new teams every year equate to pulling names out of a hat to play for the championship? I'll answer that for you, it doesn't.
In baseball, I sure as hell don't expect the Mets to do anything each year. It would be nice, but I don't expect it. Yankees fans on the other hand expect to win every damn year.
In football I don't expect the Giants to win every year, but they may surprise me game to game. That's why they play full seasons, not draw names out of a hat.
In hockey, for as dominant as they have been the past 5 years, I don't expect the Devils to win every season. Call this sacrilege or whatever, but even as a fan of the team I would not want to see them win every year. Two years in a row maybe, but not every damn season.
Ya know, nevermind. In the beginning this was fun, but now it's just starting to give me a headache with how stubborn you are on every facet we covered. Then again that's typical of a Yankee fan. They go into every season expecting to win so why would they want to see diversity around the league. Sorry I dared try to tarnish the great legacy of Steinbrenner and the Yankees, it will never happen again sir.