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Anthony's thoughts on the FCC and the Broadcast Decency Hearings
I don't think I implied that the boys should have gotten away scot-free.

There should have been a 2-week or so suspension without pay, at worst. Of course they crossed the line that day but was that line the worst one they've ever EVER crossed?

I submit that it is not.

Thus, this almost-2-year-long hiatus was unnecessary. Infinity first buckles under FCC pressure and cancels the show but then later on, "respectfully declines" to pay the fine because they decide to listen to the actual broadcast (which is what I believe FCC fines are based on, not the opinion of the Catholic League) and realize that holy shit, there was no "play by play account of a sexual act", etc.

Infinity should have realized from the outset that the broadcast was not indecent enough to warrant revocation, fully aware that the FCC didn't have a leg to stand on when it came to revoking their license.

Basically, Infinity should have told the FCC to fuck off in the first place.

Or am I missing something?

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Anthony\'s thoughts on the FCC and the Broadcast Decency Hearings - by 60FeetUnderWater - 02-19-2004, 03:21 AM

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