02-22-2004, 03:21 AM
Quote:Thanks for the reply CT.
Nah, thank you. You've busted your ass keeping the show alive since the boys got canned. You deserve mad fucking props for that.
I only hope the two most important people you are doing this for, remember you when they do get back on the air. If they don't it'll be a shame.
Quote:there are dozens of leeches who will just take and not give back at all. In fact, they take and DEMAND more. I have been running my feed for over two years now and you should see the emails I get if god forbid the feed drops.
Anybody who bitches about your feed going down should rot in hell. You pay to provide them with entertainment. Your a better person than I to put up with those e-mails. I tossed up the 9/11 week shows the year they went off the air, I had a few problems one day and got those same kind of e-mails bitching about why it went down. I stopped streaming shortly after that. I didn't need that crap.
I don't think the bitchers are the real O&A fans though.
When they do come back, I'll be one of the first people to help stream the show.
Long Live SU~!