02-28-2004, 03:29 AM
fuck the FCC. Here's my thought on this whole situation. The FCC is fining and punishing people based on an idealistic premis of higher morals that just don't exist. Take Passion of the Christ for example. If that were a movie that depicted that much violence and it DID NOT happen to be about Jesus, you bet your lucky stars the FCC would be all up on it faster than flies on shit. But noooo!!!!! it's religion! religion knows no wrongs. as a matter of fact, the christian establishment of do gooder fucktwats are the ones calling the shots now it seems. do you think that any any average person of faith and those not of faith (athiest, agnostics, and so on..) really give a crap about about what some dopey radio show does or if someone says 'Ever bang a famous nigger chick? What do they smell like? Watermelons?' on Sterns show?
nigga, please...
it seems to be, and i think we can all agree, that an incredibly small amount of elitist twits, who can't manage their own damn kids and have to blame everyone else for their own failures and shortcomings as a parent, are rooning it for the vast majority because they think that by doing so, it'll make up for their own fuck ups in life and i shant stand for it.
fuck that, yo. me? i shall proudly say "nigger," make ethnic jokes, watch morbid violence, listen to whatever show on the radio i damn well please, stare at boobies (in public and in the privacy of my own home), laugh at silly cripples, and do whatever the crap i please.
seperation of church and state my ass.
thank you, good night.
nigga, please...
it seems to be, and i think we can all agree, that an incredibly small amount of elitist twits, who can't manage their own damn kids and have to blame everyone else for their own failures and shortcomings as a parent, are rooning it for the vast majority because they think that by doing so, it'll make up for their own fuck ups in life and i shant stand for it.
fuck that, yo. me? i shall proudly say "nigger," make ethnic jokes, watch morbid violence, listen to whatever show on the radio i damn well please, stare at boobies (in public and in the privacy of my own home), laugh at silly cripples, and do whatever the crap i please.
seperation of church and state my ass.
thank you, good night.
I have people skills. i am GOOD at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!?!
infiltrate. defeat. destroy.
infiltrate. defeat. destroy.