03-02-2004, 06:26 PM
I left my apartment as usual, with 10 mins to spare for a 15 min walk to the train station. I like to always cut it as close as possible. I walk out my door and there on my lawn, a full televison crew, trailers and trucks everywhere. I look right next door and they have the door open with tons of people going in and out. I think to myself the guy next door must have got mudered or something, though I didn't see any news trucks. All of the sudden this skinny, doofy-looking Production Assistant comes running up to me apologizing for the tent they erected on my lawn. He explains they are shooting Queer Eye for the Straight Guy next door and needed to protect all the equipment. I just shrugged and said I don't care but my landlord might shit a brick. I just chuckled at all the chaos and went off to make my train. I just thought it was pretty cool, not everyday you walk out your door to a full production crew setting up on your lawn. That guy next door is just asking to get all that shit they are going to buy him robbed. Who would bother redecorating a shithole apartment in Queens?? Those 5 little rump rangers should come look at my filthy, messy, frat house apartment, they would all go running right back to Chelsea.
![[Image: floydsig.jpg]](http://www.blazingconcepts.com/img/syd/floydsig.jpg)
<marquee>We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems.</marquee>