03-04-2004, 03:50 PM
Sather not talking to Leetch before he traded him away is a fucking joke, plain and simple. How you get rid of a player that can be considered one of the greated U.S defensemen in history without even consulting him or asking him what he wants to do is a fucking slap in the face to him, the fans and tradition that the Rangers supposedly stand for. Sather is a fucking clown and he has ruined a once proud organization. And if he turns around and re-signs Messier after the season after he is supposedly "re-building" this team, he deserves all the bullshit and anger that comes his way. Thank god I got off this bandwagon before this move. They have disgraced a franchise that I watched since I was a kid
[center]<img src="http://home.mindspring.com/~faceman713/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/kobe.jpg">
Kids, this is a message from your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Wait until you're a rock star, and they give them to you for free!
Kids, this is a message from your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Wait until you're a rock star, and they give them to you for free!