03-05-2004, 02:58 PM
Quote:I can't believe that you don't get it header. Then again, polls have shown that divide is definitely generational. The younger segment firmly supports gays having the right to \"unify\" while the older segment stands firmly against it.
You're playing a semantical game here. I have no problem with unions. The problem is you give an inch and people want a mile. You just wait.
If a gay couple goes to San Fran gets married today and comes home to say New Jersey and attempts to get benefits through their employer, they will be denied. Then what are they going to do? File suit against their employer? They state of New Jersey? Should they have that right? Their marriage isn't recognized in this state only in California hell I don't even know if it is recognized outside the city of San Francisco do they? Should they? Should every state and furthermore they United States change their laws and recognize these things because some self righteous mayor in California decides to take it upon himself to start performing gay marriages?
Should this mayor be punished for breaking the law? Because he is.
Plain and simple it is against the law. If it wasn't it wouldn't have taken this long for someone to try and pioneer this frontier. As far as I know almost all states laws forbid it. Some states legalize creates confusion and maybe there is a loophole. Several states are pushing for a more clear language in their laws to strengthen their laws against it and close loop holes.
It's not the religiously driven Bush that is putting a stop to this. It should have never started to begin with. People talk about things like the patriot act and how it is unconstitutional and how we should protect these laws and whatnot. Well why not protect these laws forbiding gay marriage? Why can we change some and not others?
This is why the fears of some that I forwarded earlier in this thread are not totally unfounded. You open up the doors for something like this then everyone going to try and squeeze through. It's chaos theory. Maybe a little paranoid. But not totally unfounded.
I have no problem with gay people honestly. If you find someone that means that much to you that you want to spend the rest of your life together that's great. You're doing better than most other people already. And you should be given rights like benefits and next of kin etc etc. Why not take it at that?
Because if you want the whole deal then we are forcing churches to marry gay people which pretty much goes against their religion and negates their whole notion of marriage.
Then we are forcing boy scout troops to accept atheists and gay people in their organization.
There were both atheists and gay kids in my boy scout troop. It didn't bother me. We were accepting. At the same time the BSA is a private organization and just like any private establishment they reserve the right to let in and lock out whomever they wish.
Plain and simple.
If you unlock this seemingly innocent door of gay marriage you could be opening a whirlwind pandoras box and next thing you know we have thought police on this message board telling us we can't call QE Carson 'Owen Wilson with AIDS' because it's hate speech.
Once again kind of paranoid chaos theory fears but not totally unfounded.
I'm 26.
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