03-05-2004, 06:05 PM
Wasn't saying catholics are bible pushers. Essentially I don't jump ship to another religion because the other religions tend to push the bible more.
Hell I don't eve go to church but if you ask me what religion I am I'll say catholic. Because it's what I was raised in. Essentially I'm a christian. But I'd go as far as to say my sole belief that keeps me going is that there is an entity (call it god or whatever) that keeps us all going. The story of jesus being the son of god and dying for our sins. True or not is a good story for me to use when I get whiney about my life which honestly (even though I'm living from pay check to pay check trying keep clothes on my family's back and food on the table) isn't as bad as some people's lives. Thinking about the whole crucifixion thing and the passion makes me shut up about my problems and live with my life. At the same time I am trying to make my life better. I just try to be more tolerable of the hand I dealt myself.
If that makes me christian then I'm christian. I don't read the bible that much and I don't go to church often or at all. At the same time I can say that I probably understand the bible better than a large percentage of the people that are in my church in town on sunday while I'm at home playing with my son.
Hell I don't eve go to church but if you ask me what religion I am I'll say catholic. Because it's what I was raised in. Essentially I'm a christian. But I'd go as far as to say my sole belief that keeps me going is that there is an entity (call it god or whatever) that keeps us all going. The story of jesus being the son of god and dying for our sins. True or not is a good story for me to use when I get whiney about my life which honestly (even though I'm living from pay check to pay check trying keep clothes on my family's back and food on the table) isn't as bad as some people's lives. Thinking about the whole crucifixion thing and the passion makes me shut up about my problems and live with my life. At the same time I am trying to make my life better. I just try to be more tolerable of the hand I dealt myself.
If that makes me christian then I'm christian. I don't read the bible that much and I don't go to church often or at all. At the same time I can say that I probably understand the bible better than a large percentage of the people that are in my church in town on sunday while I'm at home playing with my son.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/wilbraforce/sigs/headersig.jpg">