03-11-2004, 05:14 PM
DWI - Driving while intoxicated, or driving while impaired. General term used to describe the criminal action of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, impaired or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
DUI - Driving under the influence. General term used to describe the criminal action of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Both terms are synonymous with "Drunk Driving.
However, there is a difference between DWI and DUI under the some state and federal laws. Under the federal law, DUI represents a blood alcohol content of between .02% and .08%., while DWI represents a blood alcohol content above .08%, and is a more serious crime.
some states use the federal guidelines.
DUI - Driving under the influence. General term used to describe the criminal action of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Both terms are synonymous with "Drunk Driving.
However, there is a difference between DWI and DUI under the some state and federal laws. Under the federal law, DUI represents a blood alcohol content of between .02% and .08%., while DWI represents a blood alcohol content above .08%, and is a more serious crime.
some states use the federal guidelines.
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