03-29-2004, 08:12 PM
Someone fucking whack AJ and quickly. The pointless scenes are piling up very quickly too...the dinner with the advisor...jamie lynn dryhumping with her guy-friend....people in college still dry-hump? Adrianna is looking hot again...be a shame when they have to gut her like a fucking fish. my main problem with last night's episode was it was a bit unrealistic. If I ever said "Fuck you" to my mother, I would have caught a beating...no questions asked. Yet AJ said it to his mother and his father is a head of the mob and he gets nothing????? come on, he should have been gotten a couple of smacks at least and his punishment...he gets to have a good time living with his father? That was very un-Tony like. David looked bad, I agree, but LT looked fat, I guess that's what happens when you quit the nose candy
[center]<img src="http://home.mindspring.com/~faceman713/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/kobe.jpg">
Kids, this is a message from your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Wait until you're a rock star, and they give them to you for free!
Kids, this is a message from your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Wait until you're a rock star, and they give them to you for free!