04-19-2004, 01:22 PM
Quote:I have this friend who used to be the man at parties and pickup games of any sport, the guy to yell road trip, etc etc etc. He's married with 2 kids, and he works his BALLS off at 3 jobs. He works bad hours so that he will have the most time with his kids as possible before they hit school age. He wants to come out and play basketball with us once a week, and his wife throws a tantrum. We play basketball from midnight-2AM, and his fucking wife pulls the \"I spend all day with your children, and you want to go play basketball?\"
Quote:......mind you, this broad doesn't work and although raising children is an important job, atleast you're with people you love doing something that comes with the territory of parenthood
Raising children well at least for my wife raising my son has got to be one of the more physically and mentally exhausting job on the planet.
5am until 7 to 8pm this child is a nonstop ball of energy. He's also going through his momma's boy clingy stage to where it is difficult for her to even leave the room without him flipping out. (any parents with suggestions on how to curb this please let me know).
I work from 7-5 and I'm home before 6pm. I have a standing offer on the table for her to go out and hang out with her friends in the evenings that she rarely or never takes. UNderstandibly she is in bed and asleep by 9pm every night.
That all said, the only thing that would keep my wife from saying 'yeah go out with your friends have fun' is her physical exhaustion. My brother lives in the apartment above us so I go up there and hang out when my wife and son are asleep but I don't wander too far from our place just in case she calls me with a problem.
The key I think is to find someone who is understanding and appreciative of the concept of personal space. At the same time you need to be that way for her. If you're just like hey I'm going out with the guys and never say that you'll stay in so she can go out, it will never work out.
A plus is also to live in close proximity to someone a family member or friend willing to watch your rugrat at short notice so that you can get the hell out of the house. Getting regular time away from your children together is just as good as getting your time to yourself. Anything to clear your head.
Marriage doesn't have to be a death sentence. The problem is that people marry bitches who want everything done for them and aren't willing to give anything in return or they themselves are the selish ones. Either way it's all about sacrifice understanding and all that crap.
So quit your worrying already and find some chick that will let you go play basketball and give you regular bjs and shit. Just be sure to take her to dinner and give her her night out with her friends too.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/wilbraforce/sigs/headersig.jpg">