04-26-2004, 11:24 AM
When we moved and called to transfer our cable to the new place they offered a similar deal so we took it. THen we had problems initially with our signal so we called COmcast up and instead of helping us through the problem the bitch on the other end spent about 15 minutes trying to get to the bottom of how we got a good deal like that when they werent running any promotions.
My wife was bitching to the chick on the phone and I was in the background yelling at her too. We are such great human beings. I think we are still getting the deal. We'll see when the bill comes.
My wife was bitching to the chick on the phone and I was in the background yelling at her too. We are such great human beings. I think we are still getting the deal. We'll see when the bill comes.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/wilbraforce/sigs/headersig.jpg">