04-29-2004, 04:55 AM
<a href=http://sony.storagesupport.com/cdrw/crx215a1dwn.htm target=new>Sony's support page for the CRX215A1</a>.
If Adaptec/Roxio's Easy CD Creator is still having trouble detecting your writer, try this:
Download the latest <a href=http://aspi.radified.com/ target=new>ASPI layers</a> from the <a href=http://clonecd.gearhost.net/clonecd/forceASPI17.zip>Clone CD website</a> (the first link defines ASPI layers for you, and you can just right-click the second link and "Save Target As...").
Update Easy CD Creator's CD-writer list:
Go here to select the latest updates to your version of the program: <a href=http://www.roxio.com/en/support/software_updates.jhtml target=new>Update site</a>. Make sure you get the most recent patch, and also download the "Drive Update"-- this handles the list of drives supported by the program.
Install the ASPI layer first (reboot if necessary), then any Adaptec updates.
If none of that works... try switching to Nero.
As for your Artec: you can either download the drivers from <a href=http://members.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=123132 target=new>Driverguide.com</a> (however, you'll need to sign up for it-- but it's free, plus they have a <i>ton</i> of drivers for anything else you might need), or you can get them <a href=http://info.ultima.com.tw/fae/Service_e/software%20download/Download_usb_e.htm target=new>here</a> for free (scroll down to where it says "Ultima 2000 e+ 48U").
If Adaptec/Roxio's Easy CD Creator is still having trouble detecting your writer, try this:
Download the latest <a href=http://aspi.radified.com/ target=new>ASPI layers</a> from the <a href=http://clonecd.gearhost.net/clonecd/forceASPI17.zip>Clone CD website</a> (the first link defines ASPI layers for you, and you can just right-click the second link and "Save Target As...").
Update Easy CD Creator's CD-writer list:
Go here to select the latest updates to your version of the program: <a href=http://www.roxio.com/en/support/software_updates.jhtml target=new>Update site</a>. Make sure you get the most recent patch, and also download the "Drive Update"-- this handles the list of drives supported by the program.
Install the ASPI layer first (reboot if necessary), then any Adaptec updates.
If none of that works... try switching to Nero.
As for your Artec: you can either download the drivers from <a href=http://members.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=123132 target=new>Driverguide.com</a> (however, you'll need to sign up for it-- but it's free, plus they have a <i>ton</i> of drivers for anything else you might need), or you can get them <a href=http://info.ultima.com.tw/fae/Service_e/software%20download/Download_usb_e.htm target=new>here</a> for free (scroll down to where it says "Ultima 2000 e+ 48U").
<center><IMG SRC="http://members.aol.com/darkmoonchild23/images/the_brain_magnet.jpg" alt="Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" height=250 width=250></center><br />
<br />
<marquee behavior=alternate> <A href="mailto:[email protected]"><center><i>"ARE YOU PONDERING WHAT I'M PONDERING?"</i></center></a></marquee><br /><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=DarkMoonchild23&Message=NARF!!!!!"><center>I think so, Brain...</center></a><br /><i><font color=4e4e4e>I'll conquer the world long before Kingpin ever finds "Pinky"</i></font><br /><font color=white><b><i>Now, I must return to the Lab to prepare for tomorrow night...</b></i></font><font color=4d4d4d size=-5>
<br />
<marquee behavior=alternate> <A href="mailto:[email protected]"><center><i>"ARE YOU PONDERING WHAT I'M PONDERING?"</i></center></a></marquee><br /><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=DarkMoonchild23&Message=NARF!!!!!"><center>I think so, Brain...</center></a><br /><i><font color=4e4e4e>I'll conquer the world long before Kingpin ever finds "Pinky"</i></font><br /><font color=white><b><i>Now, I must return to the Lab to prepare for tomorrow night...</b></i></font><font color=4d4d4d size=-5>