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Raw May 3, 2004
Another very good show, in a long stream of good raw shows. Remember when this was considered the bad show????? The 6 man tag to start the show was pretty good. Even Batista looked ok. HHH has really stepped up his ring work since before WM, he's almost like the wrestler of old.

The Hurricane/Kane match was totally uselesss. When are they going to realize that hurricane would be better off on smackdown where he could wrestle other lightweights? The Matt Hardy/Kane/Lita thing could be interesting, if the whole, girl turns bad thing wouldn't have been done by trish already. You could actually believe that she would want to screw over matt after what he did to her, but her being only the 2nd female face on the show precludes that from happening. And from hearing the rumors that this is only setting up the eventual return of Jeff Hardy, I hope it works. They could be a big shot in the arm to the tag team division.

Jericho seriously needs some backup. He's getting his ass handed to him by 3 people every other week and it's just pathetic. The only problem is, who could it be? Steiner....blah...Test...blah once again. There's no one around for him, so he's gets to be the bitch I guess.

Gail Kim is worse as she was when she first started, which is kind of fucking amazing being that she's sucked from the get-go. How you can fall 3 times before being hit is amazing....absolutely amazing. I haven't seen this many blown spots since Jackie Gayda's first match. And Victoria was so much better when she was crazy, instead of now and her "kissing babies" stage.

It's a shame Dismore got stuck with this Eugene character because he can flat out wrestle...he did it in OVW and he can do it here if given the chance. The scary thing is, Eugene is HUGELY OVER with the crowd, so maybe they know what they are doing with him. And Regal is the king of the facial expressions. Hands-down

The title match was nothing short of PPV quality. Back and forth, some blood and HHH screwing shawn yet again, for the title. I see a Benoit/Christian title match for the next PPV co-headlining with a HHH/HBK match to settle the score once and for all. Add that to a Benjamin or Edge/Orton match, Tomko/Jericho, some sort of Eugene match, The Hardyz/Kane and that ppv blows away anything that smackdown could even think of producing and it's not even a big 4 PPV. OH and kiddies, get ready for HHH/Benoit at SummerSlam.

P.S. Next weeks raw looks solid....Edge/Orton....HHH/Benjamin III....Batista/Tajiri...Jericho/Christian in a cage. Very hot show possible
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Kids, this is a message from your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Wait until you're a rock star, and they give them to you for free!


Messages In This Thread
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Faceman - 05-04-2004, 03:29 AM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Flock of Moosen - 05-04-2004, 06:38 AM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by JimmyBlueEyes - 05-04-2004, 06:57 AM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by mrcrowley1206 - 05-04-2004, 02:13 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Faceman - 05-04-2004, 07:43 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by JimmyBlueEyes - 05-04-2004, 09:45 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Flock of Moosen - 05-04-2004, 10:05 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by JimmyBlueEyes - 05-04-2004, 11:22 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Ice Man - 05-05-2004, 08:15 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Faceman - 05-05-2004, 11:08 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by JimmyBlueEyes - 05-06-2004, 01:24 AM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Ice Man - 05-06-2004, 05:28 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by JimmyBlueEyes - 05-06-2004, 06:38 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Flock of Moosen - 05-06-2004, 06:58 PM
Raw May 3, 2004 - by Ice Man - 05-07-2004, 04:31 PM

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