05-05-2004, 03:30 AM
I love the part where John Schneider and his hot daughter are standing over the fallen bridge and hear some music. She says "that sounds like country western music" then confirms that yes, she's heard that song before and it is indeed country music...without any actualy regard to the fact that its coming from...A SHIT LOAD OF RUBBLE THAT CAME FROM A FUCKING BRIDGE FALLING DOWN, THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT, NOT WHAT KIND OF FUCKING MUSIC IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldnt believe it.
[center]<img src="http://home.mindspring.com/~faceman713/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/kobe.jpg">
Kids, this is a message from your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Wait until you're a rock star, and they give them to you for free!
Kids, this is a message from your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Wait until you're a rock star, and they give them to you for free!