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Time to Get Serious-Army Report Details Iraqi Prisoner Abuse
Personally I think those responsible for this are assholes and fully deserve to be punished in whatever way seen fit, but I am confused about something.

Why and how did these pics even become available to the media? Who was stupid enough to let this get out?
I don't mean to bash anyone, especially the men and women of the armed forces because I have the utmost respect for most of them (these assholes not included), but I find it not too reassuring that some people with the brain cells of a gnat are responsible for our security.

Oh, by the way, there are lovely new pics surfacing of dogs being sicced on a naked prisoner. :disappointed:
<center>[Image: FOM.jpg]</center>

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Time to Get Serious-Army Report Details Iraqi Prisoner Abuse - by Flock of Moosen - 05-10-2004, 04:55 AM

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